All power equipment is functioning properly. We have found no door dings on this vehicle. There is a properly functioning engine in this vehicle. The exterior finish on this automobile is in excellent condition. This is a garage kept vehicle. The inside of this vehicle is smoke-free. Extra clean interior. Absolutely no rips, odors or abuse. Actual miles. Great, smooth shifting transmission. There is no current collision damage to this vehicle. This vehicle comes with a new set of tires. Miramar Sport Cars will not be undersold, we will beat any written price quote you may have. We buy cars even when you do not buy a car from us. All cars will come with a 30 day warranty. Each car is driven and inspected by the Owner. You can ask to meet the owner. We sell more cars to more people than other dealerships in the area., , We are located next to Miramar Air Station and offer all current and retired military a special discount., , We have a 1st time buyer program that beats the competition's programs. We even have in-house financing program designed to make buying a car here a pleasant experience. Everyone that buys is treated like family.