EEZYCREDIT.COM LLC USED CAR SALES AND FINANCING. , BUY HERE PAY HERE., YOU ARE APPROVED!!!! NO CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, WHO CARES!!??!! YOU ARE APPROVED HERE!! , THE BANKS GOT THERE SECOND CHANCE, NOW LET US GIVE YOU YOURS. , LOW DOWNPAYMENT SMALL LOAN EASY PAYMENTS! , We accept major credit cards for the down payment., To see our ever-changing inventory, please visit our website at EEZYCREDIT.COM or visit our Display Lot at 2040 State Street in Schenectady. To schedule an appointment to test drive a vehicle, please call our friendly sales staff at: (518) 357-3823. , If you would like to schedule an appointment for any services for your vehicle please call (518) 982-5482.