Have bad credit? Your Credit Score doesn't matter.! Any Credit Situation will be financed and we DON'T REQUIRE FULL COVERAGE INSURANCE! , , This 2002 Nissan Xterra XE. This 4WD SUV is an extremely comfortable and capable of any task. This is an extremely demanded color for this car, because there were not many made in this yellow color, but is now sough after because of its uniqueness and style. This Xterra features an upgraded Pioneer Sound System with CD and Bluetooth capabilities, and also features a large roof rack. This is a really great truck that has a lot of curb appeal, which means it wont last long on our lot. So come down today to check this truck out in person!, , We have been in business for over 20 Years…thousands of satisfied customers! We ONLY buy out-of-state vehicles...many ONE OWNER with clean CARFAX! Come take a no obligation test drive or feel free to have your mechanic inspect any car BEFORE you buy! Call us today at 718.497.6300