Good running Buick.AWD!A very nice car that is priced to sell.
- All Wheel Drive
- Air conditioning
- Power steering
- Power windows
- Tilt steering wheel
- Drive type front-wheel
- Engine liters 3.4
- Cylinder configuration V-6
- Transmission 4 speed automatic
- AM/FM radio
- Engine displacement 3.4 L
- Wheelbase 2
- 850mm (112.2")
- GVWR 2
- 430kg (5
- 357lbs)
- Fully automatic headlights
- Air conditioning
- Power steering
- Power windows
- Tilt steering wheel
- Drive type front-wheel
- Engine liters 3.4
- Cylinder configuration V-6
- Transmission 4 speed automatic
- AM/FM radio
- Engine displacement 3.4 L
- Wheelbase 2
- 850mm (112.2")
- GVWR 2
- 430kg (5
- 357lbs)
- Fully automatic headlights