Try and find one this nice for this cheap. Sunroof, leather, extended warranty, double down payment incentive, guaranteed lowest payment, guaranteed financing. Or you could just not waste your time and come in. Take it home., , You can save thousands of dollars here because we don't work on commission. As salaried employees we don't have to price our vehicles high and then play games. ALL of our vehicles have a clearly marked KBB price on them and then our low price which already includes all incentives, so as to not create confusion. All vehicles have clean titles and clean vehicle histories. Because we sell our vehicle at prices as low as they are, banks are able to make anyone a loan, even with credit problems and no money down. If you do put money down, our Double Your Down payment incentive, makes it even easier to get approved. Doubling your down payment can save you thousands of dollars on the purchase of your vehicle and even more on your financing. Our prices are so low, that we can guarantee you get approved or we give you $200. With 7 franchise dealers in our group, we can get you the vehicle that you need at the price you want.