was $8995 - On CLOSEOUT sale now (cash). Prestige Auto Sales is honored to present awonderful example of pure vehicle design... this 2003 Ford Windstar Wagon onlyhas 92k miles on it and could potentially be the vehicle of your dreams! Themileage on this Windstar Wagon is reflective of it's age and you can tell. Theprevious owner took great care of this vehicle so that you'll be able to enjoythe benefits of a well cared for vehicle offered to you by Prestige Auto Sales.The interior of this Windstar Wagon has been through meticulous inspection andcould almost pass for a brand new vehicle. The Windstar Wagon is in a class onits own. So much so, that Ford didn't miss a beat when they loaded this vehiclewith an abundance of a-la-carte options. The Windstar Wagon will provide youwith everything you have always wanted in a car -- Quality, Reliability, andCharacter. User reviews: 8.3 Overall rating - 8.8 Styling - 8.5 Performance -8.4 Interior - 7.9 Quality - 8.1 Recommendation.