Was $12895 - ON CLOSEOUT NOW (cash). Prestige Auto Sales is honored to present a wonderful example ofpure vehicle design... this 2003 Nissan Xterra only has 75,925 miles on it andcould potentially be the vehicle of your dreams! In their originalincarnation, SUVs were chiefly owned by folks who valued utility abovesport. Not anymore! The Nissan Xterra redefines the SUV and makes the perfectall around family companion. This vehicle has had only 75,925 miles put onit's odometer. That amount of mileage makes this vehicle incomparable to theother vehicles on this market and is ready for you to come and see at PrestigeAuto Sales. The Xterra will provide you with everything you have always wantedin a car -- Quality, Reliability, and Character. User reviews: 8.6 Overallrating - 9.1 Styling - 8.1 Performance - 8.4 Interior - 8.7 Quality - 8.7Recommendation.