CJs Auto Store is having a Sale! The Sale begins Today and lasts till the end of the Month. CJs Auto Store has lowered the CASH Prices of all its Inventory. We will be very aggressive with our negotiations. Come in and get the best deal around. We will say YES to every negotiation as long as we are still making at least $1.00. , , NOW is the time to get your new Vehicle. We have NEVER been this aggressive with our negotiations. We want to get you into your new Vehicle ANY WAY WE CAN. , , Stop by at 1416 E. Manhattan Blvd. Toledo, Ohio 43608 or call us at 419 729 CARS (2277). You can also visit us on the Web at WWW.CJSAUTOSTORE.COM and get pre approved at WWW.EASYCREDITSITE.COM. , , THIS IS YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY TO !!!!! SAVE !!!!! ON YOU NEXT VEHICLE WITH CJS AUTO STORE.