Have bad credit? Your Credit Score doesnt matter! Any Credit Situation will be financed and we DONT REQUIRE FULL COVERAGE INSURANCE! , , This is yet another fantastic Trailblazer SUV that could easily be yours very soon! This vehicle comes equipped with power windows and door locks, a CD player, towing package, and two-tone leather seating! The Trailblazer is a great truck for for any application without being too big or too small, and always being enjoyable to drive! Come down to check out this great value today at Cypress Motors of Ridgewood!, , We have been in business for over 20 years...thousands of satisfied customers! We ONLY buy out-of-state vehicles...many ONE OWNER with clean CARFAX! Come take a no obligation test drive or feel free to have your mechanic inspect any car BEFORE you buy! Call us today at 718.497.6300