Extra clean. No rips, no abuse, no cigarette burns. One owner from the time it was new. Is there any better kind of car to buy? Never be caught in the unexpected again! This car comes with Roadside Assistance! Less $ for gas means more $ for more important things in life! New rubber all around! Experience places you never would have gone before without this state of the art navigation system Rely on this dependable vehicle to get you and yours wherever you want to go. Quiet vehicle with smooth transitional shifting. No such thing as too much protection. This vehicle comes with Side Airbags. With Side and Rear Airbags, it's great to know that the protection is there. Even better if you never need it! No need to speak up in this interior. You'll be heard just fine. This vehicle is loaded with lot of extras. Attention iPhone, iPod, & digital music junkies! Get your cable, plug it in here, & rock out!